Why Sustainability Matters

We create packaging that makes you proud of your product but also proud of tossing it away. All our packaging solutions are made with your product and customers in mind. We proudly use sustainable materials that:

  • Prolong your product’s shelf life.
  • Protect your product from harmful elements.
  • Make it easy to recycle.

Sustainability is how we take care of you, your customers, and the earth.


Bagasse is the remains of the sugar cane after its juices are extracted from the cane. The sugar cane’s natural fibers make bioproducts such as packaging, paper, and absorbent products that are 100% biodegradable. It’s a sustainable way to use the whole plant and build products that are good for our environment.

Bio compostable

Bio-compostable products are plastic and paper products that disintegrate and biodegrade completely and safely when composted in a municipal facility or added to other compostables, such as yard trimmings and food scraps. Bio composting takes as little as 90 days to disintegrate, compared to other plastics that can take years. Bio composability is more effective if the products are broken into small pieces or ground up.

Upholding our pledge of sustainability, our packages are made of renewable resources, like those made from PLA or sugar cane. These packaging materials are safe for at-home composts and can be composed in your backyard.


Biodegradable materials decompose, usually by bacteria or sunlight, into organic compounds within a reasonably short time leaving little to no trace behind. Most organic materials such as paper, grass clippings, and food scraps are biodegradable.

That’s why we look for ways to include more biodegradable solutions in our packaging.


Bioplastics are plastics made from corn, potato, or other annually renewable sources that are compostable or biodegradable.

We invest in using bioplastics because we believe that where you get your materials is just as important as how you dispose of them.


Compost is a sustainable way to get rid of biodegradable products. Counter to common belief, compost looks, smells, and feels nothing like trash. It’s a crumbly, earthy, sweet-smelling mixture of decomposing organic matter such as leaves, food scraps, grass clippings, and other biodegradable products. Compost is a by-product that can improve the texture, water retention capacity, and aeration of the soil.

Life Cycle Analysis

LCA is a technique used to assess the environmental impacts of a product covering all stages in a product’s life, from the sources of the materials used, transportation methods, and composition methods, to their impact after use.

We take all of these into account when designing and creating your packaging.

Life Cycle Inventory

A product’s cycle starts when raw materials are extracted from the earth, followed by manufacturing, transport, and use, and ends with its waste management, including recycling and final disposal. At every stage of the life cycle, there are emissions and consumption of resources. The environmental impacts from the entire life cycle of products need to be addressed. Life cycle inventory is required to ensure all products are as sustainable as we need them to be.

Mono Pack

Mono pack is packaging made entirely of the same material for easy sorting and recycling. For example, an aluminum can is a mono pack, but an aluminum can with a paper label is not.

When you choose mono-pack packaging, you make it easier for your customers to make the sustainable choice they need to dispose of your packaging.

PLA – Poly Lactic Acid

Polylactic Acid uses corn starch to create packaging with the same look and feel as petroleum-based plastic with the added advantage of a more sustainable lifecycle. Because of its similarity to plastic, its sustainable source, its production method, and its biodegradability PLA is one of the most used bioplastics in creating packaging.

Recyclable Materials

Recyclable materials still have useful physical or chemical properties after serving their original purpose. They can be reused or remanufactured to make new products. Plastic, glass, paper, steel, and aluminum are all examples of recyclable materials.

Source Reduction

It’s simple. When you choose to source reduce, you consider how to eliminate waste and use less packaging from production to shipping to disposal. With every package we make we consider sustainability and source reduction.


The choices and actions we take that support quality of life now and for future generations. It’s our commitment to take as many sustainable actions as possible.